session drummer & Instructor
learn more about
• drumming
• recording
• social media
• practice, patience, & persistence
with Devin Attard

more about
devin Attard
Hi! My name is Devin Attard, and I am a twenty-two year old drummer from Detroit, MI. My whole life has been dedicated to the craft of drumming and helping others, I’m proud to say that still hasn’t changed. I’ve been working behind the kit for twenty years and every step along the way comes with highs and lows.
PRACTICE, PATIENCE, & PERSISTENCE. Three very powerful words that can shift your mindset and lead you closer to YOUR version of success. There is no other greater you than yourself, the future is limitless.
drum services
from drum session work to
drum lessons to social media
Tracking drums has become a weekly routine for me since the pandemic began in 2020. When I started doing more social media content, the more I was in the studio playing song after song and tracking live drums for hours. There is something special about having that creative freedom behind the kit, limitless potential, and different ideas from the rest of the room forming a masterpiece that everyone can be proud of.
Touring? Absolutely! Being on the road is one of my biggest passions. Connecting with at least one person during at each show and having a strong heart to heart is one of the best feelings in the world other than putting on a show for those who paid good money to be there, and making sure the artist is satisfied.
Each person who signs up for a drum lesson, social media lesson, or a MLC session, you’ll automatically be signed up for a surprise giveaway! This will be going by month, so anyone who signs up in October, I’ll do a raffle for those specific people for October. They can win a signed cymbal, signed drumhead, signed sticks, an exclusive piece of merch before they are released, or they can choose a free lesson!
Mission Statement
Practice • Patience • Persistence
Check out this video, this along with everything I do is fully based on my mission statement.