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About devin


Devin Attard, drummer

Hi! My name is Devin Attard, and I am a twenty-two year old drummer from Detroit, MI. My whole life has been dedicated to the craft of drumming, and I can thank my father for that. I’ve been playing drums for twenty years and for every day I spend on this earth that’s all I’ve wanted to do is spend my time behind the kit.

The coolest part about my job is seeing how inspired and fired up someone can get from me simply doing something I love. Sometimes all it takes is that little spark and it could change your life for the better. Everyone deserves to do what they love; the cake is big enough for everyone to get a slice.

Mission Statement



I am endorsed by the following companies

  • Vic Firth Drumsticks
  • SJC Custom Drums
  • Paiste Cymbals
  • Gibraltar Hardware
  • Vratim Drum Shoes

Clothing Sponsors

  • Crossed Heart Clothing
  • Deathbed Clothing
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