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Drum Lessons

Looking to take your drumming to the next level?

Sign up for some drum lessons today

Something I’ll always love doing is working with a drummer from across the country or on the other side of the world! As drummers we are always growing and learning, and most importantly we need to be encouraging each other to keep grinding behind the kit and going after your goals! There is a slice for everyone, I promise. My drum lessons are a judgment free zone where you and I can focus on whatever it is you want to accomplish. 
MENTAL HEALTH – As musicians in general we are very hard on ourselves, there is no doubt about that. Something I encourage with my students is always speaking your mind and letting out any emotions or thoughts you have about the craft or the environment. Being here for each other in the music community is key, but the relationship you create in the process of it is the lock. 
For a one on one drum lesson via Zoom/Skype I have a few different options! 
•30 Minute Lesson – $65.00 USD
•1 Hour Lesson – $100.00 
•1 month/4 Drum Lessons (1 hour length) $300.00 USD 
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