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Musician Life Coaching


Let’s be real, being an active musician has its pros and some rough cons.

Let’s be real, being an active musician on the road or on social media has its pros and some rough cons. Something I don’t see enough of these days is the topic of mental health for content creators, active session artists, or even your everyday drummer/musician. Yes I am only 22 years old, but the craft of drumming has brought me a lot of blessings and blisters; at the end of the day we live and breath what we love because it makes US happy. All of the negative pressure that we feel as an artist on a day to day basis can be transformed into POSITIVE pressure, it just takes a little patience and some love from someone who can relate.

I want to offer one on one Zoom/Skype Video or voice calls to help walk through some of the struggles that might be hindering someone’s progression behind the kit, onstage, and off stage. No I am NOT a therapist, I am just someone that has the will to encourage others to be their best selves and I’m passionate about helping others.

I’d love to have a group session once a month with a handful of drummers or even folks who aren’t musicians! All of the things we’ll talk and be open about can be applied to all aspects of life. Something you hear someone else talk about you’ll be able to relate to without even having to have asked the question, and that moment can change your life and better your relationship with the craft of drumming.

  • $50/30 minutes one on one
  • $75/1 hr one on one
  • Community Video Call – Free
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