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Social Media Coaching

Brand Awareness

Let me coach you in the art of social media

Learning about Instagram & TikTok’s weird ways has taught a lot in the midst of posting drum videos and simply doing what I love most. The biggest thing I’ve learned from it is I want to help people get a hold of the vision and succeed!

The numbers, endorsements, & opportunities is there for anyone who is willing to put the work in for it, but as long as you keep those 3 P’s in mind you’ll be there before you know it.

For a one on one zoom/Skype meeting with me to talk about your social media platform and how we can help it organically grow, please send me your contact information and I’ll be in touch with you ASAP

$200.00 USD per session

  • Brand Awareness
  • Visual Structure
  • Content Formatting
  • Algorithm Awareness
  • Posting Routine
  • Story Interaction
  • Hashtag Algorithm Development
  • Branding Techniques2
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